Why Demeter?

Demeter was the Greek goddess associated with fertility and the harvest, as well as with motherhood. But we didn't choose Demeter as our namesake solely because she's associated with traditionally feminine symbols. We chose her, rather, because she stands both for a kind of disruption of expectations of femininity, and for bigger, more world-changing kinds of disruption. Indeed, you could say that Demeter is one of the original 'disruptors.' She disrupted the whole order of gods and nature.

You see, Demeter wasn't just known for being a goddess. Demeter was known for being the goddess who took on the other gods and turned over the whole natural order of things to fight for her interests. Her interest, which you may remember from that one semester that you studied Greek mythology, was saving her daughter Persephone. Persephone had been abducted by Hades, and Demeter defied Zeus and (almost literally) raised hell getting Persephone back. And she almost succeeded - all but for six seeds of pomegranate. Which is how we got the seasons: because Persephone was to remained trapped in the underworld for six months of the year, Demeter swore to withhold her bounty for every single one of those months, and withhold she did (hence fall and winter and that seemingly interminable stretch of time during which your toes are cold and your fruit and veg are imported.) She was tough, she was uncompromising, and she defied every expectation of how a woman - divine or otherwise - should act. 

THAT'S why she's our namesake. 

We built this company because we believe that the established order of media - old and new, traditional and digital - looks at women and girls, for the most part, as Hades saw Persephone: desirable, but otherwise passive, uncomplicated, and there for the taking. We think that women are more like Demeter: powerful, determined and not inclined to be pushed around - by gods or anyone else. Or, to put it simpler, more contemporary terms: we think that women want the best for themselves and for their families and if they can't find the best in the usual channels, they'll find others or create their own. Which is we think that there's a need for a new kind of media: a media that recognizes this fact, and works with this fact, and uses this fact to advance a new, disruptive (yes, we're using that word) kind of storytelling, one that addresses and engages the Demeters of the world.

That's why we called ourselves Demeter Media. And why we eat pomegranates with abandon.

More on Demeter Media

We develop digital-first media and immersive experiences that center women & girls and other underestimated creative communities, and we advise companies, non-profits, and public institutions that are invested in engaging those communities. Sometimes, we build big things (we incubated this company, named one of Fast Company’s World’s Most Innovative Companies). Other times, we’re the fairies behind the curtain of your favorite storytelling enterprises. Always, we’re committed to power of fable, folklore, and myth — powered by the technologies and vision of the 21st century.